Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birth Day- Joshua's

Tiny baby Joshua Alexander doesn't look too happy here... but he was just shoved out of a warm cozy room and into the cold. What he doesn't know is there are a passel of people who are already in love with him. I'm the Grandmother! His momma is my youngest of three daughters.
Joshua arrived April 8th and is too sweet. He is just the right size to cuddle and it seems so good to hold him and 'play' with him!
Darcy is a great mom and Chris has already changed a ton of diapers!
I sure love my girl, and now I sure love that babe!
Is it just me or is he the cutest baby?!
This cradle is the one his mommy and aunts and uncle slept in when they were babies!
Aw... this is after his bath. He is just so sweet. I love to hold him!
MmmmmMm... love him!
Here's Joshua thinking about all the fun he's going to have with Grandma kayaking, picniking, camping out, hiking, fishing, traveling, reading, laughing, cooking, playing... :)

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