Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Steve Irwin
I'm just watching the commemorative programs about the Croc Hunter. Sad sad sad; watching his little daughter talk about him and his wife talk enthusiastically about their work. Seeing him talking, working, interacting with his staff and the animals, talking about his passion, talking about his family...
If nothing else, he's advanced animal conservation and lived his passion... that alone is a lesson we should all learn... life's so short... if we live mediocre lives we negate the strength and uniqueness and beauty God has built into each of us. If we settle for less than we were intended, aspire to 'enough', accept subpar... we had better keep our mouths shut when we are old... no bitter whining or complaining, you've cheated yourself.

Speaking of not settling for mediocre! I am working on lesson plans for my classes; to keep them fresh, interesting and engaging (in- gag- ing, one of my students said).

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