Saturday, October 01, 2011

Day Trippin'

Recently two of my daughters and I took a day trip to Ft. Ti on Lake Champlain. It was the first time any of us had been there as real visitors... maybe ever! The ride was more fun than riding alone; my daughters are definitely not boring! We made a few odd stops along the way...! and listened to a Librivox audiobook on the ipod dock.

As a special treat for all of us, Joshua, my little grandson, came along with us!

 He slept like a baby on the way up so he'd be all rested up for the outing.

When we got to the sutler's row, we had to try out Yannik's bakery wagon...
And who loved it!?

 We love Ft. Ti and have spent many weekends learning about the 18th century and trying out our gear and techniques we've researched.  So, today, when we were in street clothes, coming through the sallyport, it was strange!
 But we soon found our old friends and had a good laugh with them.

 Mr Privit was delivered of a puffball mushroom as a gift from Sharah. It was to be sliced and fried for dinner that night.

Chloe was not sure about  this proposed mushroom dinner...

Josh found a peacock feather to play with and watched Chloe's feather fan dance!

Outside the fort at the sutlers' row, we visited with the Scarlet Scarab and enjoyed the conversation and fellowship. Josh is going to love this... I just know it!                
 These pipes are prototypes the potter next door was trying out. 

Our visit took us down to the King's garden in search of the Brits. This notch in the garden wall gave hints to the beautiful flowers and plants in there, carefully tended by the gardener.

I'm sure this little portico in the garden has been a meeting place for many lovers and friends.

... and can I have this gate in my garden, but with ginko leaves?  Passing through it we came to the lower lawns where the Brit units were encamped. There we found some more old friends.

 Things were heating up for dinner over their primitive kitchen.

And, thankfully, there was no rain expected so their shelters would be excellent to protect them from the morning dew.  We took a break and had a simple picnic.

Josh found a stick to play with and we sat in the grass for awhile. I sure love that little kid!

 We stopped on the way out to say good bye to our favorite soldier, Joe. (xo) Soon we headed home and sent Darcy on her way. We kept Joshua for awhile though... Sharah and I had more plans for the day!

We went to a parcel of state land and took Josh's stroller off-roading... he was asleep but he usually loves the outdoors, so we figured he wouldn't mind.

Then we started foraging for moss, algae and lichen, small trees and ferns, and tiny mushrooms. We gathered these in containers.

And loaded up the 'wagon'. (Thanks Joshua xo)

Back at Aunt Sharah's we got our garage sale glass containers and made terrariums. I had seen them in the posh version of the NYC clothing store Urban Outfitters when we were down visiting Jeremy and Jenny.

We took the things we had gathered, arranged them into a woodland snapshot...

watered them just a tad...

and set the covers on to start the 'terrarium environment' process. The moisture begins to condense onto the walls of the container and drizzles down the sides or is reabsorbed by the plants. We put tiny trees and ferns in them and little seeds in the dirt began to grow. The moss perks up and continues to reach down the sticks it is growing on.

This is the one we made for Joshua's bedroom.

Sharah's came out very nice and she took a couple pictures of it in front of the pond on the property where they live.

Then we went apple picking! Sharah has made some pretty good applejack and apple wine/beer with apples she (and I)  picked last fall. We climbed some trees, shook some branches and gathered a few more bushels for this year's brew.

Joshua watched us from a blanket, or his chair, or from the back of the pickup truck. I'm afraid I klonked him a time or two with a bouncing apple! We got several boxes full before I had to head home. Sharah and Squish stayed for a while after that and gathered some more. I was so glad to be able to spend the day with the girls and Joshua! Love them all so much.

Here's to Ti, good friends, daughters, apple picking and the next generation.

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