Monday, January 04, 2010

2009 Reflections

There are so many enjoyable an wonderful memories I've collected over this year!

One is spending time with the many kids in my life. Sam and George are two of them... I'm hoping they can come visit for several days this summer... and enjoy "Camp Aunt Shari". We'll sleep in a tent, cook over a fire, swim, go out in the boat, hike, bake cookies and read books in the sun.

The captain of the Half Moon contacted me in the beginning of the year to lock me in for several events this past summer. We met in Albany at the preserve, Yonkers a couple times, Hudson and a few other events. Hopefully we'll be working together again! It was a great time with the public who came to tour the ship.
Notice the bikers at the bar in the background! They watched everyone playing all day; walking on stilts, losing to me at cat and mouse, etc. Finally, several of them came over and spend quite awhile playing!

Our garden was pretty disappointing this year. The tomatoes got a fungus and barely produced anything. Peppers were sad, and the basil was leggy. One thing that pleased me were the clandestine carrots. I planted in the flower garden! They were snuggled between the chives, stevia and sage. My blackberry briars, from my brother, finally took hold and produced satisfying handfuls of fresh berries every day of the summer! I also picked several quarts from the woods and there are still some in the freezer... great in pancakes.

Despite the sad harvest I did reap some beautiful and delicious produce. It was great to take it to Ft. Ti and use some of it with our cooking.

It was a great thrill to spend a weekend with two of my daughters at Ft. Ticonderoga. Here they are getting ready for the day. We loved the simple shelter we set up and enjoyed the openness of it. Cooking over the fire, hanging around with Sam the Goat, playing shinny with friends, seeing old friends was great. It was relaxing and so enjoyable. The difficult part was packing up and leaving!

Already the seed catalogs are coming in the mail and I'm beginning to think... what will this new year bring?

Once again we met the Pirates in Montauk. They have expanded their show and draw great crowds of delighted children... of all ages! We love to set up the toys and games next to them and complement their show.

This was a great year... I have lots of hopes and goals and dreams for this new year.
Welcome 2010.

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